
Pulp Procurement Policy Statement of Nanjing Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd.

作者:采購部發(fā)布時間:[2022-06-01 ]瀏覽:28758

Pulp Procurement Policy Statement of Nanjing Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd.


Nanjing Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd., as one of the representatives of Chinese viscose industry enterprises, recognizes there is a responsibility to protect the environment and protect natural forest resources.  We are committed to building a sustainable global pulp supply chain and commit to not purchasing raw materials from ancient and endangered forests and to ensure that all sources of the company's procurement of wood pulp is lawful and traceable.

According to this, we make the following commitment for our pulp purchasing policy:

1. Raw materials will not be sourced from ancient and endangered forest or endangered species habitat.  

Nanjing Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd. will:

  • Assess our existing use of wood pulp and fiber and ensure that we are not sourcing fibers made from ancient and endangered forests areas such as the Canadian and Russian Boreal Forests; Coastal Temperate Rainforests; tropical forests and peatlands of Indonesia, the Amazon and West Africa, or endangered species habitat.

  • Work with our fibre suppliers towards phasing out and finding suitable   alternatives to any fiber sourced from these regions.

  • Eliminate sourcing fiber from other controversial sources including companies that are logging forests illegally and from tree plantations established after 1994 through the conversion or simplification of natural forests.


2. Raw materials need to pass third party certification.

  • Nanjing Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd. will preference fiber sourced from forests that are responsibly managed and certified to the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification system where FSC certified plantations are part of the solution.  


3. Human Rights and the rights of communities will be recognized, respected and upheld.

Nanjing Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd. will request that our suppliers respect the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and acknowledge indigenous and rural communities legal, customary or user rights to their territories, land, and resources. To do so, we request that our suppliers acknowledge the right of Indigenous People and rural communities to give or withhold their Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) before new logging rights are allocated or plantations are developed. We request that our suppliers resolve complaints and conflicts, and remediate human rights violations through a transparent, accountable, and agreeable dispute resolution process.


4.Strengthen cooperation with international environmental protection organizations, strengthen communication with suppliers, regularly check the source of their raw materials, and strengthen supervision.

Working with Canopy we will support collaborative and visionary system solutions that protect remaining ancient and endangered forests in the Coastal Temperate Rainforests of Vancouver Island and Great Bear Rainforest, Canada’s Boreal Forests, and Indonesia’s Rainforests. 

5、Reject illegal purchase or trade.

6. Accept validation and evaluation of third parties on the origin of the raw material of our company.

Nanjing Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd. will ensure the transparency & traceability of our own operations and supply chains , and will identify the origin of our raw material sourcing, including pulp and plantations/wood fiber, through mapping our entire supply chain (chain of custody) back to the mills, plantations, and forest areas. The company will work together with all shareholders to establish a third-party review mechanism to confirm that no raw materials from ancient and endangered forests have been used.

7、Strengthen the utilization of non forest resources and will play an active role in the commercial scale production of pulp and cellulosic fiber made from alternative fiber sources such as agricultural residues and recycled fibers as well as the sustainable development of cotton, flax and bamboo.

8. Pollution Prevention

Pulp and viscose manufacturing is a resource-intensive process that can lead to air and water emissions that impact overall environmental quality. This policy does not address these other critical environmental issues, however, we will invest in and use the cleanest dissolving pulp and viscose manufacturing technology.

9.Our company has a preference in place for wood fibre that is certified to the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) standard. We note this preference because FSC has performance-based criteria that can lead to better social and environmental outcomes.

The purpose of the company's policy is to eliminate impacts to ancient and endangered forests in the wood pulp supply chain. Through the implementation of this policy, the company can ensure that the source of procurement of wood pulp is legitimate and traceable, produced from sustainable management of the forest, and at the same time protecting the rights of local residents and workers.

Nanjing Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd.

Legal forest management is management that complies with all applicable international, national, and local laws, including environmental, forestry, and civil rights laws and treaties.  

Plantations area areas that have been “established by planting or sowing using either alien or native species, often with few species, regular spacing and even ages, and which lack most of the principal characteristics and key elements of natural forests”. Plantations  established prior to 1994 are often FSC certified. Source FSC: http://www.fsc.org/download.plantations.441.htm 


  Where conservation solutions are finalized we will consider sourcing from the Great Bear Rainforest, located in coastal temperate rainforests that originally covered 0.2% of the planet, and where now less than 25% of the original forests remain. The 2006 Great Bear Rainforest Agreements signed between environmentalists, logging companies, First Nations and the British Colombia Government includes the creation of a new land management regime called Ecosystem-Based Management that includes more than 4.9 million acres (2 million hectares) protected from logging and new lighter touch logging regulations applied outside of protected areas. All stakeholders have now agreed and efforts are underway to have governments fully implement the agreement by December 2015.


Canada’s Boreal Forest contain the largest source of unfrozen freshwater world wide and are part of the world’s largest terrestrial carbon sink – equivalent to 26 years worth of global fossil fuel use. Canopy is committed to working collaboratively on the establishment of new protected areas, the protection of endangered species and the implementation of sustainable harvesting in Canada’s Boreal Forest.

This region is slated for the largest increase in mills for dissolving pulp that goes into cellulose-based fabrics.


Indonesia experiences the second highest rate of deforestation among tropical countries, with Sumatra Island standing out due to the intensive forest clearing that has resulted in the conversion of 70% of the island's forested area (FAO Forest Assessment 2010; Margono, B.A. et al. 2012). Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) and Asia Pacific Resources International Ltd. (APRIL) have been identified as the primary cause and are criticized by local and international groups for being implicated in deforesting important carbon rich peat lands, destroying the habitat for critically endangered species and traditional lands of indigenous communities, corruption, and human rights abuses (Eyes on the Forest. 2011. http://www.eyesontheforest.or.id/). APP and APRIL have both recently put in place promising forest conservation policies and tracking implementation will be key to understanding if there are lasting solutions for Indonesia’s Rainforests.


Agricultural residues are residues/by-products left over from food production or other processes and using them maximizes the lifecycle of the fiber. Depending on how they are harvested, fibers may include flax, bagasse, and hemp.